...but what if your team isn’t as cohesive as it used to be? What if you suddenly aren’t sure where your organization is headed next?
More and more businesses are turning to Team Coaching as a means of problem-solving for the present and planning for the future. With a background in professional coaching techniques and eleven years’ experience directing a non-profit, I can come alongside your organization as you grapple with growing pains and projected gains. Experiencing loss of vision? Stagnation? Funky company dynamics? All of these are challenges that can be faced through the tenets of coaching. Through personality tests and group discussion, I can suggest how best to put the swing back in your team’s step.
It’s up to you to know where your business is going. I can help.
What's Coaching Like?
Coaching is a partnership that uses thought-provoking and creative exercises towards an end goal. Coaching honours the client – that’s you! – as the expert in their own life, and works to reinforce the idea that every person is unique, resourceful, and whole.
The coach’s responsibility is to discover what you want to achieve, and then direct you towards honest self-discovery. Coaching relies on client-generated solutions and strategies, coupled with the coach’s extensive knowledge of personality and vocational testing. This process can help you dramatically improve your outlook on work and life, while tapping into your leadership skills and unlocking your potential.
Since coaching is a partnership, ask yourself whether collaboration, alternative viewpoints, and new perspectives are things that you value. Also, ask yourself whether you or your business is ready to devote the time and the energy to implementing real change. If the answer is yes, then coaching is likely to be an incredible boost to your progress.
A typical coaching session
Either in-person or over the phone – a typical session begins with a personal interview to identify your goals. Subsequent sessions can tackle everything from current obstacles to future opportunities, and are held to an agreed-upon schedule and set of priorities. There may also be homework, and throughout our time together I may provide relevant articles, checklists, or assessments, depending on where you’re trying to end up. The duration of a coaching relationship varies depending on the needs of both client and coach.
The key thing to remember is that you’ll get out of coaching as much as you put into it – after all, you’re the key to your own best life.